Friday, February 25, 2011

Hi! Hola. Hellllooooo....I'm still here!!

Ok, so I think my last post was in September of last year!? Oops!!

Zoey is 8.5 months old now!!

At this moment she is:
-Army crawling at insane speeds. Often as fast as I can walk/run
-Can crawl up on her hands and kness but still prefers her army crawl
-Pulls up on EVERYTHING and can stand there FOREVER. Seriously, yesterday I did a 20 min workout video and she STOOD next to me the WHOLE time!! (Well, she stood holding onto the couch...but still!)
-Sleeps pretty consistently 7pm to 7 am. (And often 6:30pm to 8am!)
-Usually still takes her naps at 10am-ish and 2pm-ish
-Loves food! She only at "baby food" aka pureed foods for a couple weeks. So wants everything in solid form. So awesome!
*So far she has had: avacado, sweet potato, rice cereal, squash, butternut squash, banana, cheerios, organic plain yoqurt, green peas, green beans, mango, apple, chicken, cheddar cheese, carrots and more!!
-Drinks out of a sippee cup. Her favorite one has a soft straw. She loves drinking water out of it!
-Can feed herself her bottle of milk consistently.
-Loves to say "dadadada" and "babababa" but no "mama" yet. However, this morning she did say "Mom" plain and clear. I'm sure it was a mistake though....
-Totally loving her Kindermusic class. So fun to watch her interact with the other kiddos and learn new things. Love it!
She is just the sweetest angel and we love her so so so much!!

1 comment :

  1. Jenny and Josh,

    Miss Zoey is such a cutie! It is so much fun to watch children grow and learn. She'll be walking/running before you know it. And then, you won't need a workout video for exercise. ;)

